Legal Attorney Services in Rocklin Ca

The Law Office of Jim A Trevino is here to stand up for your needs in difficult times.
Whether you require an attorney in the areas of Bankruptcy, Criminal Defense, Immigration, Personal Injury and Social Security Disability. With a true commitment to our clients and strong ethical beliefs, you can rely on our firm to protect your rights.
Nearly 10 years of experience with a multitude of areas of law, The Law Office of Jim A. Trevino has developed many relationships and is considered very well connected within the central valley legal realm.
Working together as a team, you can be assured that your best interests will be protected and you will be well represented both in, and out, of the courtroom. …
Areas of Law for Rocklin California
- Bankruptcy Law
- Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
- Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
- Foreclosure
- Criminal Law
- Misdemeanors
- 3-Strike Cases
- DUI, Multiple DUI’s
- Immigration Law
- Personal Injury Law
- Car/Auto Accidents
- Slip & Falls
- Dog Bites
- Wrongful Death
- Social Security Disability
- Traffic Infraction Law
Do not walk into court alone. Place your trust in us.
We will protect your rights.